StratusForms 1.55 is released!

I’m happy to announce StratusForms version 1.55 has been released!

In addition to various tweaks and clean-up, we’ve made some critical updates to StratusForms for some scenarios where people have previously struggled.

List Items Created with an Empty StratusFormsData Field

Previously, in order for StratusForms to work, you had to create the list item with StratusForms so that the StratusFormsData field was populated. This made it difficult to have list items created by workflow or some other automated process work with StratusForms. As of version 1.55 StratusForms will work for list items that have an empty StratusFormsData field.

“PrintView” For PowerApps and Non-StratusForms Lists

We’ve added the ability to create a StratusForms Display Form for Lists and Libraries in SharePoint that do not have a StratusFormsData field where all you want to do is create an elegant display form for viewing or printing. This works especially well when you need a full-screen display form of a list item you may be maintaining using PowerApps.

We’ve also added several other features as well. Please keep an eye out for updated documentation!